jeudi 30 juillet 2015

Position 27/Solution


Explication/ Explanation:

-...Tc8 et les Blancs perdront inévitablement la partie: ...Tc8 Dc5 (Dxd8?? ...Txc2++/ Dxc8 ...Dxc8 c4 ...bxc4 etc) ...Da5 Ce1 ...Fxb3 Dxc8 ...Ca2+ Rb1 et le mat est en route.

-...Rc8 and White will inevitably lose the game: ...Rc8 Qc5 (Qxd8?? ...Rxc2++/ Qxc8 ...Qxc8 c4 ...bxc4 etc) ...Qa5 Ne1 ...Bxb3 Qxc8 ...Na2+ Kb1 and mate is coming.

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